Keys To Increase Hitting Power
By Charles "Popcorn" Thompson

Keep a Firm Front-Side
Most young hitters make the mistake of bending the front knee at contact. This is a mechanics flaw that will not only cost you power but will also create a host of other problems as well. Bending the front knee causes hitters to lunge at the ball, which results in premature weight transfer. Hitting against a  firm front-side allows hitters to generate more power by staying behind the baseball at contact.

Top-Hand Underneath at Contact
A hitter's power is increased when the top-hand stays underneath at contact. When hitters are told to "throw the hands to the ball," or "get the barrel to the ball," the natural tendency is to "roll" the top-hand at contact.
Notice Albert Pujols' top-hand at contact. A great example of the top-hand underneath. Pujols is certainly considered as a great power hitter, and like all great power hitters, the top-hand is always underneath at contact.